My indispensable lifehack
This is a reflection of the practices I strive to follow in order to have a higher quality of life, taking into account the multiple fascets of life’s challenges. Actually, it’s just one practice.
This is a reflection of the practices I strive to follow in order to have a higher quality of life, taking into account the multiple fascets of life’s challenges. Actually, it’s just one practice.
I’ve been using Emacs for 8 years as of now, and Vim for 4-5 before that. Everybody I’ve ever worked with knows very well what I use… but not necessarily why I use it. So why?
Working in an all-remote company has always been an interesting thought exercise to me. Would it work for me? Would it work for the company? At what cost?
This post is intended to present a minimal example of setting up emacs with evil as well as a few evil plugins.
The :only
ex command is one of my most used ones. Here’s how it can
be tweaked so that it doesn’t only (pun intended) hide all the other
windows, but it restores them when re-executed. it You can think of it
as a zoom/un-zoom command.
This post will show how to add simple make-based testing support for running automated emacs `ert` tests.
Shorten ~/very/deep/down/the/rabbit/hole
to ⋯/the/rabbit/hole